Now that you have hopefully found a label, and have a good reason to believe you own a Seth Thomas clock, the next step would be to check its construction, which can help you narrow down its age, as well as further confirm it is a real Thomas clock. My clock has two issues: It runs slow and it displays improperly. to adjust the speed, open the back and remove the weight at the bottom of the pendulum. It sounds like not enough power is getting to the pendulum. I had forgotten we had two going in the same thread. A mantel clock with a Westminster chime I was told' the sound of which I hadn't heard since my pre-teen years! So, if you want to learn more about Seth Thomas clocks, how to identify them, as well as how much they are worth, we have collected all of that information in this article! Vintage Seth Thomas Wood Mantel Clock Electric. Most modern clock hands are mounted on a brass bushing. $45.00 . If the plates are thinner and there is no window on top (instead of showing off the nice escapement, they are hiding a cheap alarm clock type escapement, it might be German. If you think you have found the right date for your clock, you now need to understand how that could correlate to its value. Does it just need to be lubed/oiled, cleaned? tick . Apply the oil very lightly across the coils of the springs. Trouble shooting is always a challenge. I want to call someone to come look at it so hopefully, we can repair it. Listen to the tick tock. Some of the clocks Thomas built had his name on them, right above the number 6 on the dial. Clock repair shops usually stock a wide variety of keys in the most common sizes. Wow, I didn't know that there are speed settings that can be configured for grandfather clocks that are cuckoo clocks as well. Can i add some type of weight to the bottom of the nut to correct this? I have the nut adjusted to the very lowest position w/o falling off & it still gains about 30 minutes per 24 hours. Pendulum is too short: It is entirely possible that you have the wrong pendulum.. Pendulums are easily switched when someone has several clocks in storage. An avid antiques collector herself, Kate has written about antiques for many years. Not certain if the alarm works due to lack of knowledge on how to set and . Sort by Show 24 36 48 View as $8.80 PERRIN Universal Verge #1 While the mantel clock I recently inherited didn't seem to have the 'adjustment nut' that you referenced, it did have a thumb wheel actually on the pendulum weight which seems to shorten the pendulum. If you want to hear all these sounds, simply wind the holes until the key will not wind any further. Greetings, I acquired a beautiful 1887 Seth Thomas mantle clock a year ago on eBay. The average price of an Antique Seth Thomas Mantle clock is about $100. Is your clock weight or spring driven? If you have any other questions or remarks, feel free to comment below! there is a small round plate with looks like teeth on top of the balance wheel, but that can't be where you set the slow or fast. i've been looking side of the balance wheel and all around the . The clock seems to be wound. Hi! Just an old man that is working on my second clock. Does it still keep time properly? Once the hand is adjusted properly, you need to tighten the bushing. I put a small file upside down in a vise so the tang is pointing up. Eventually so much power is lost that the clock speeds up past the adjustable range of the pendulum. Vintage Seth Thomas Chime Wood Mantle Clock 1298-001 With Key and paperwork, WORKS. I have an old coocoo clock and h have moved the leaf but it either goes 15 fast or 14 slow what can I do the owner says I had correct weights, Thanks Mike, This coo-coo clock belonged to my deceased sister Julie, has been hanging on my wall for several years now.. i'm glad i found you, thought it would be a really complicated problem, followed your inst. About the sick rooster noiseif the cuckoo sounds loud and obnoxious it is probably working fine. However, from 1913 onward, they mostly used mahogany and oak. That in turn means there is wear and/or dirt in the train that is robbing power and needs to be corrected. If it is uneven (tock . ? I replaced the AA Energizer Batteries in the Clock Movement and still the hands haven't moved. I am trying to slow down a smith clock with balance wheel. First of all, there is the function of the clock. How can I fix this? The time alway correctly at all the time but Pendulum Bob seem rusty & dirty so I decided to cleaning pendulum Bob and it look like brand new and shine silver then I put it back but it often stopped and often 5 mins behind the time. Adding weight to the pendulum will likely make the problem worse. Both of them were in mostly original condition, presenting impressive nostalgic elements. How do I adjust the time keeping? My favorite part of this article is that balance wheels could be an alternative to pendulums, they handle the time of clock. Thanks for your page, I have learned a lot! I have tried removing the pendulum and rotating the little flywheel to the top and to the bottom as far as the thread will allow but neither extreme seems to make much difference. Another possibility is that the clock was made by Hammond. Some of the clocks Thomas built had his name on them, right above the number 6 on the dial. Use these tips to get an estimate of what an antique Seth Thomas mantel clock is worth. This would be the counter-clockwise direction. I found an old wind up mantel clock in an op shop. Beautiful Seth Thomas mantle clock in great working condition, chimes on the hour 1:00 one chime, 2:00 two chimes and so on, and chimes once on the half hour, nice crisp sound. Antique Seth Thomas clocks offer a quick glimpse into the world of skillful clock decoration and a clock-making culture that has survived for centuries while maintaining a significant position as one of the finest earliest clocks in the antique universe. The most likely problem is that there is dirt and/or wear in the time train. Either the pendulum is too short or it isn't getting enough swing. You probably have a clock with a "floating balance". I am an enthusiastic, amatuer newcomer to horology. Many antique Seth Thomas clocks also feature date stamps on the bottom of the clock. $65.00 + $20.00 shipping . It's no doubt a common run-of-the-mill mantel clock which were popular back in the day. Specifically, this clock had a walnut case, burl walnut accents, and a pagoda top, which are reminiscent of the older clocks. The bushing has a square hole in the center that fits onto a square at the end of the clock's minute arbor (the shaft that sticks out from the center of the clock dial). Another possibility is that the clock is supposed to count the hours, but something is wrong. In addition to what's already been mentioned, here are a few other things that can make a balance wheel clock run too fast; This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. This was an office calendar, whose creation date was noted as circa 1900. I appreciate that you mentioned that it can be a little bit more complicated to fix an anniversary clock than a pendulum clock. How do you correct my Seth Thomas mantel clock with a balance wheel to run slower. (You can reply by e-mail if that's better.). Once you have the required measurements, you can search for the appropriately sized double ended key on one of the clock supply websites. It still works great. Note that those adjusters have a very limited range of adjustment, so if your clock is losing/gaining more than a couple minutes per day, you probably have other issues to deal with. Your movement was probably made by Hermle. English carriage clocks are high quality, but very big. Also we armature radio operators do the same thing to twitch the freq on our crystal transmitters. If you clock is running fast, lower the bob. The result is that the clock runs fast. If it is battery powered or electric, the pendulum is probably decorative and does not need to be adjusted. Your clock runs fast so you want to turn the top of the key towards the R to slow it down. Which way would I turn it to make the clock slow down. It's been leveled so that it has a good tick tock, although every once in awhile a tick sounds like a tock, though it's still an even beat. Thank you! Note the small crack on one of the lions. Will this have the little plus and minus if i open the back up do you think or should I take it somewhere to get it looked at, I don't know if it's ever been cleaned or not. Pack your clock securely 2. I am sure it can. Re your paragraph on clocks with balance wheels - do you move the lever towards plus if the clock is running slow or vice-versa? If not, there are many great clock repair technicians out there. $20.00 . Open the hinged glass cover of the clock's face to access the clock's hands. Seth Thomas Collectible Clock Replacement Parts & Tools, . Namely Seth Thomas himself was actively building clocks during the Civil War period (1861 to 1865). There are several ways clocks can count the hours, but a common strike system is called the rack and snail. The only other thing I adjusted was the screw/nut coming out of the bottom of the bob. Description: Seth Thomas Mantle Clock - Tampa. 9 "Empire". To be specific, you might find this on clocks built between 1881-1888, or from 1913 onward. You will probably have to make several trys before you get it right. Clockworks,Hermle Clock for sale ,SETH THOMAS 8DAY Legacy-3W 1314-000 Mantel Table Clock . You then need to gently nudge the clock to get the pendulum swinging. I've tried setting it to the extreme + and - and it still runs fast. If the key doesnt turn at all, you are winding in the wrong direction. Total:2,856 (members:76, guests:2,780), Most visitors online was 4107 , on 14 Jan 2023. TOP OF LINE.. Case Size: 12" H x W 7.5" x 5.1" Depth. There isn't a uniform rule about the direction you turn to adjust the time keeping. . Either there are lubrication issues or there is wear in the movement. Since last night at 12 am at 6 this morning it has gained. to run properly. The second most expensive Seth Thomas clock ($17,250) was a shelf violin clock. 20"l x 6"w x 9"t. estate & personal property > 1/23 . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. They also tend to have an English type lever escapement with sharply pointed escape wheel teeth. I doubt it's ever been looked at or cleaned. Thanks for the tips on how to adjust the time keeping on a clock that is running too fast or too slow. $7.69 . If not, have you ever seen the Grand Central Terminal Clock in New York? However my issue is the other way around. If you happen to be the owner of one of his early clocks, you know youve got a valuable piece of history on your hands. Thanks. She has also managed an online antiques community. Turn the nut to the left to lengthen the pendulum and to the right to shorten it. The hole to the left powers the strike, which happens at the top of the hour. What are the Most Valuable Seth Thomas Antique Clocks? If there isn't enough power pushing the wheel back and forth, the wheel will not turn very far. You must log in or register to reply here. you hear a thumping noise as the clock runs, apply more oil, but not too. After the function of the clock, you need to look at the condition of the wood. PDF Subject: SETH THOMAS CLOCK REPAIR MANUAL It's immensely important to begin read . (den) vintage seth thomas wood cased mantle electric clock. If. 7-8 minutes a week loss seems like a lot. A bright, readable clock face is a good sign; it means your clock is going to be worth more. Thank you. If you do find one, you can check this website to compare it to every recorded label. Although the designs vary, usually clockwise will increase the speed and counterclockwise will slow the clock. Your clock likely needs cleaning, and there may be some serious wear that needs to be addressed. Sellers can ask any price they like for a clock, but that doesn't mean someone will pay it. Phone: 717-684-8261. Fortunately, they are relatively cheap. This letter represents the month the clock was made. I have a 38-year old wall clock that I purchased from South Korea and my wife's helper inadvertently dropped the clock, cracking the wood case when it hit the floor. Next, you have the clock face condition. Clock face is protected by glass door. This is reducing the power that reaches the pendulum. Fortunately, this should be a rather easy process, as many Seth Thomas clocks happen to feature date stamps on the bottom of the clock. It is running about 3 hours slow. Instead, once an hour a pin on one of the wheels catches the tail of the hammer and strikes a bell or gong. I have a mantle clock that runs slow and I need a key to turn it to fast. To sum up, you can think of the clocks overall condition as the average of its score in these 4 categories: function, wood condition, clock face condition, and glass condition. Its a 3 hole clock. The first step in identifying your clock is to look for the Seth Thomas label. Thats why you stopped the clock. thanks again.. jim, That's great that you were able to get it to keep better time! The clock is very precious to me and I don't want to damage it. :). Contact Us Drop us a line or give us a call. It has very small wheel positioned below the 12. New . Recommendations for a clock movement stand. Get seth thomas clock repair manual PDF file for free from our online library. I assume that the clock has a pendulum. Author. Reply to Ann Marie Teasedale . As soon as we got our first TV my dad didn't like the chime interrupting TV programs so the chime was turned off! Fix by: Anonymous Time takes its toll on all of us in winter. Copyright Clearly, Seth Thomas was a truly outstanding American clock manufacturer, who left behind a rather impressive legacy. As soon as the pendulum reverses direction the gear train resumes its forwards direction and pushes on the pendulum until you hear the next tock or tick. 3. Kim. I think I figured out how to fix the first problem from your answers above, but the second problem has me stumped. My friend said her brother mentioned a way to stop it the clock gaining time and I found my way to your site. At first, they mainly used walnut veneer, so this type of wood could be a good indication that you have an earlier clock. Sorry, I think I mise this. Antique Seth Thomas Sonora Chime 4 bell Chime set complete . Turn the key counterclockwise, while looking at the front of the clock to set the time. If you do use glue, be sure it is completely dry before replacing the hands a final time. Usually you turn the thumb wheel to the Left to make the clock run faster and to the Right to make the clock go slower. Additionally, the movement will say made in USA. It then would have a time +/- adjustment. A very large, limited edition Seth Thomas mantel clock from the early days of the clock maker's history sold for $2,000 on eBay. tock) the clock is "out of beat" and will run fast. It also means that it is not available new, and made before 1950. Check the position of the minute hand of the clock when the . Vintage Valentines That Celebrate Old-Fashioned Love. Once back together, I checked the hands, the bob, the rod, the verge, everything there is straight and not rubbing. .tick . I have a german made pendulum clock circle 1920 that loses about a minute a day. I have a 1920s Seth Thomas 8" ships clock. The other possibility is that it might have had both. In fact there is no name brand either. Designed to sit on a shelf or mantel, they not only tell the time but also offer a glimpse at the art of clock-making and the work of a master. That explains things. Here are a few examples of Seth Thomas mantel clocks and their sales prices: An antique Seth Thomas mantel clock is more than a valuable collector item. Not 5 mins slow or fast but 10 to 15 either way. But would moving the fork closer to or farther away from the regulator pivot do more? I don't know of any new rotors being produced. The time spent pushing against the locking face acts as a drag on the pendulum which decreases its swing. You will need to pay attention to a few factors for this: The first thing you need to do to check if you have a genuine Seth Thomas clock is to look for a label. One other important element of the clocks construction is the type of movement it uses. Don't change anything other than push. In this blog I answer commonly asked questions about how to care for your clock. I've ready all comments but none are do you make abong go faster? As you probably know by now, the Seth Thomas Clock Company made clocks for a long time, of different shapes and sizes. Move pendulum to the left or right until the escape wheel escapes from one pallet to the other. Sometimes, Thomas etched his name onto the pendulum. Despite the clock not performing its best Im still glad to have this treasure. Naturally, not all of them have the same value either. I have a little bit that I can shorten the spring. (NOTE: The clock is level, as I have a small level and it shows that the clock is perfectly level). Not surprisingly, the earliest clocks, especially those actually made by Seth Thomas, are worth the most money. . Is this just because it's a little older? Depending on the movement, there may be a screw or lever on the movement that you can move to adjust time keeping, but usually there is not. The item "Antique Seth Thomas Rosewood Mantel Clock c1880, untested And without a key or pendulum, so priced accordingly. Open front door and remove the plastic safety bushing (see picture 2). I have got it running and fixed the striker but it only strikes once on each hour. There is no lever as described above but I do have two nuts labelled s and f either side of the balance wheel. Could lengthen the hairspring, but that would treat the symptom not the cause. tock). Hi I have a Enfield mantel Clock with one chime striker The F or S is too small for me to see. Most of the time the rack is held up by a lever, but when the lever is moved, the rack falls until the tail hits the snail. Danette, This depends on the clock and the type of hands that it has. Hello Steve, the R stands for retard and the A stands for Advance (or their French equivalents). The plate should have a Seth Thomas label etching, and possibly a patent number. The styles also changed over the years. I have let it run out each time before I wind it and adjust the speed. I have an old cuckoo clock that runs but the pendulum carving is all the way up to the base of the clock and it still runs a bit slow. However, when the chiming becomes less pleasing to the ear, an adjustment is required. . . It was crooked, angling to the right a smidge. (It says "Montgomery ward" on the clock face). 2) The clock adjusts timekeeping by shortening or lengthening the acting length of the suspension spring which passes through two chops that pinch the spring and that move up and down when you turn the thumb wheel. It all runs nicely after reassembling it but its losing a couple of minutes per day. Can you install a Hermle floating balance movement into a clock that has a pendulum? Or does my clock need to be serviced? I observed a rate adjustment screw on the pendulum bob. Fast-forward a few years, after producing thousands of clocks, Thomas had sold his interest to his business partner; he then opened his own clock factory (in 1813), purchased the rights to manufacture Terrys shelf clock, and even built his own mill. You probably will have to do a little filing to get the hook to properly fit the pendulum leader. If you are in the Mount Vernon, WA, area, feel free to stop by! I have a ship's clock (chronometer) by Wempe. The letter represents the month with "A" standing for January and "L" standing for December. Use a pair of calipers to measure the small timekeeping adjustment arbor and also the winding arbors (in millimeters). 2023 LoveToKnow Media. . Hi I got wall clock with pendulum & winding. Can you help me and if so please advise your cost for this service. This beautiful 4-sided clock is estimated to be worth up to 20 million dollars. Mike. If it really is that old and has a battery, it probably has a balance wheel like a wind up watch. Any suggestions? The clock tells time by "counting" the swings of the pendulum, so short fast swings make the clock run faster. 514 Poplar Street Chime clocks are famous for the resonant melodies that play every 15 minutes. However I can find no instructions as to whether I tighten or loosen them or if I have to do something to them both or just one of them. I have a couple Timex watches that have a variable capacitor across the crystal to trim the crystal frequency. Now that you are familiar with the history of these clocks, Its time to learn how to identify whether you have one, and how old it is. Also the pivots will need to be polished. Mechanical Clock-Chime Hammer Positioning] Adjust the hammer wires [image: Mechanical Clock-Chime Hammer Positioning] 0. To be specific, you might find this on clocks built between 1881-1888, or from 1913 onward. $150.00 0 bids $86.14 shipping 1d 10h or Buy It Now Why does a clock run fast when it isn't getting enough power? What are the Three Holes on a Seth Thomas Clock? With your thumb, stop the balance wheel from turning. ca.1921 black paper label - Seth Thomas mantle clock with chime and alarm. 2 Move the big hand clockwise to the 11 o'clock position and pause. You can use your winding key to wind each of these holes. I was wondering is there something scilly I am over looking, as the pendulum it a its most for slowing the clock down. Did you ever figure it out? Hi Mike, If you can get a sense of the date your clock was made, either from the label, style, or date stamp, you have an important factor in assigning value. I'm hopeful that I will be able to get the right balance now! Well, while you should not expect any of your clocks to be worth 20 million dollars, you might still be able to make a nice sum off of selling one, if youre so inclined. At first, as a carpenter/joiner apprentice, Thomas work consisted of building houses and barns. National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Inc (A 501c3 non-profit corporation). Thanking you ahead of time. 4 Advance the big hand to the 12 o'clock position and stop. This clock winds up with the key and appears to be in good condition. But it gains 5-7 minutes every 24 hours. Other correspondents might have raised this so apology if you have answered before.. I then removed the Hour Hand and replaced the Minute Hand and, still nothing. 3 Listen for a sound like a spring unwinding. Clearly, its main selling point would be its aesthetical value. I am passionate about restoring and repairing antique clocks. This letter goes from A (which stands for January) to the 12th letter of the alphabet, L (which stands for December). Clock Type: Seth Thomas Crystal Regulator Model No. I have made the pendulum as long as possible, but then found on your site the 3rd adjustment key above the 12. 1) Unpack the clock Take clock and key carefully out of carton. 2. . Good luck. If the rack tail falls to the narrowest part of the snail shell cam, the rack drops a long ways (twelve teeth) and the clock strikes twelve times. How to date a Seth Thomas mantel clock? ANTIQUE SETH THOMAS 89 MANTEL SHELF CLOCK MOVEMENT Sold by midwestestate | Ends on 2023-01-22 01:19:54 . Columbia, PA 17512 With a tweezers, move the pointer towards the "-" to slow it down. Somehow I missed this. The most important factor other than the date is the condition of the clock. what to do if the clock runs fast when wind and then slows as it runs throughout the week? Please cut rubber band with a pair of scissors. Bid now on Invaluable: Rococo Style Seth Thomas Metal Mantel Clock from Nye & Company on January 5, 0123 10:00 AM EST. Last night, my best friend told me that he and his friend were planning to buy a JB Stamp Barrel Head Clock that he could install in his art studio for better appearance, and he asked if I had any thoughts on what would be the best option to consider. I have a 6 column mantel clock with the name Seth Thomas on the face between the 12 and the center of the face where the hour and minute hands connect. I have a Hamilton (on its face) mantel clock from the 1949s that is electrical movement. Seth Thomas Mantle Clock speed adjustment? up means half a twist of the nut. Seth Thomas Collectible Desk, Mantel & Shelf Clocks 1920-1949, Not enough power is getting to the pendulum to make it swing as far as it should. To regulate your clock, hold the pendulum disc and turn the rating nut located under the disk to the left to make the clock run slower and to the right to make the clock run faster. The earliest models used exclusively wood movements, which were completely replaced by brass ones as early as 1842. It won't take as long as it should to come back around, and the clock will run very fast. I will move the minute hand to be on time, but it chimes when the minute hand points two minutes before the actual time. Kevin. 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