The Wings of Fire Names Wiki is dedicated to the names of the tribes in the Wings of Fire book series to help users easily find names for their OCs (original characters). At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. I'm going to make some of the Hybrids YOU want me to make. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Birdwatcher 9. 1 Pyrrhian Hybrid Names 1.1 MudWing/IceWing 1.2 IceWing/NightWing 1.3 IceWing/RainWing: 1.4 IceWing/SandWing: 1.5 IceWing/SeaWing: 1.6 IceWing/Skywing: 1.7 MudWing/NightWing: 1.8 MudWing/RainWing: 1.9 MudWing/SandWing: 1.10 MudWing/SeaWing: 1.11 NightWing/RainWing: 1.12 Mudwing/SkyWing 1.13 NightWing/SandWing: 1.14 NightWing/SeaWing: You are an Ice/rainWing hybrid. 17. Citrus, RainWing name ideas like this are not to be missed. These names have a unique style and sound to them which makes them all the more powerful. Pasque, good name for a RainWing-IceWing hybrid. Rabbit7. The Wings of Fire names stand apart from most regular names and have that ancient and fantastical ring to it. Consider the prevailing beliefs; philosophical and religious beliefs of the character you are looking a name for. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Stonefly 6. Generate a Hybrid Name Birch Appearance Birch is a plump 72 year old non-binary Skywing-Icewing hybrid. 20. Coypu, a cute dragon name for a MudWing inspired by a beaver-like animal. 34.Caribou (French-Canadian origin) is another name for Reindeer. #wof. You also love swimming, and can't stop yourself from living near water so you can spend your free time enjoying the waves. 40.Catfish, among the cool SeaWing-MudWing hybrid names. Lungfish, SandWing-RainWing1. Razorbill15. Almond, SandWing-IceWing1. Terra, among the female MudWing names that signify terracotta. A to Z Names of SandWing | Male & Female Included. Hyacinth, such perfect 'Wings Of Fire' names should not be missed. IceWing dragons can withstand extremely cold temperatures and prefer the wintry climate of their dwelling, the Ice Kingdom. Fossa, a perfect name for a NightWing dragon. 47. It also reminds one of the colder elements and animals like the polar bear, which is essentially indicative of the Northern arctic regions. 54. Currently contains: Fern7. Hoopoe, a perfect name for a rainforest creature. Marblefang. Gleam 8. Tarantula 14. 48. Mareis. In this quiz, you'll be tested on how well you know about the dragons from this book series. Crevasse14. #prompts 19.Frost (Old Saxon origin) meaning snow or "ice". Find out which hybrid you are! Jaguarundi, a perfect name for a RainWing dragon. There are only five finished (Icewing) hybrids. Meadow12. 52.Sandpiper, one of the names inspired by a wading bird. I may update and put more Hybrid names up on this page. 56. Alrighty, first question! Beetle 4. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. Woodpecker 14. Topaz, one of the beautiful names inspired by a gemstone. Puffin14. Flytrap4. Copper 6. This is the first question of this quiz! Kidadl has lots of great name articles to inspire you. 18. Mosquito15. Wings of Fire is a children's fantasy novel series written by Tui T. Sutherland. They are lean and have whip-like tails. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Venom 15. 16. Or other very special things that are very valuable and make a list of all the names that come to your mind. Pale 10. Wren, SandWing-SeaWing1. Lithops 11. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. 35.Cyclone (Greek origin) refers to a kind of violent storm. She is fond of classic British literature. Sinkhole 6. Earthquake 2. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. One can often experience it near a mountain or in mountainous regions. 6. Flycatcher 15. Dust/Dusty 11. Of course you are! Autumn 5. Autumn 5. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Diamondback 3. Coyote, MudWing-NightWing1. Not all potential hybrids are named. 37. Goldfish7. Heron 10. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. 44. RainWing/SeaWing hybrid. Creativity Center is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Boa, such cool IceWing-RainWing hybrid names are hard to miss. Bronze15. It is also associated with gaming company Blizzard, which created World of Warcraft. If you liked these IceWing Names, why not take a look at Mermaid Names, or for something different take a look at Stylish City Names. Gannet 7. MudWing-SandWing 1. Ocotillo 2. Currently there are four known and confirmed hybrid dragons: Darkstalker an Ice/NightWing (and Peacemaker a Rain/NightWing), Whiteout an Ice/NightWing, Sunny a Night/SandWing (with IceWing ancestry), and Typhoon an Ice/SeaWing. 4.Boreal (Late Middle English origin) meaning the North or Northern regions. Sandstone/Sandstorm/etc 10. Sun (Sunset, Sunrise etc) 13. Who knows what you will be. It's basically the same thing, but with HYBRIDS! We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. Nightshade, a perfect name for a LeafWing dragon. Our front page may not look the best, but we're working on it! Wing of fire is a series of fantasy novels. Hazel6. Or channel a fire-breathing dragon with these Names Meaning Fire. 4. 54. 12.Shard (Old English origin) meaning broken glass or ice. Cotinga, naming your character after a mythical bird is a good way to name them. Mubashir Rafique. Your privacy is important to us. I hope I didn't forget any types, let me know if I did. Corroboree, inspired by a species of frog. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Tan 9. Woodcreeper, a rainforest name for a RainWing or NightWing dragon. Agave 4. An icicle can also display fractal structure. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. 46. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Dawn/Dusk13. But what could be the best source for these fearsome names? Crystal, a good name for an IceWing and RainWing hybrid creature. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. #random You wear dazzling clothes and only strive to impress others. Autumn 2. Look at the I have decided chapter for the explaining part. If youre looking for a name for a character in story writing. Finch 8. Treetop12. If you have a name, please feel free to share it! Check your inbox for your latest news from us. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. SEA/RAIN Angelfish Anaconda* RAIN/NIGHT Blackthorn Avocado* Almond* Blackcurrent* Blackberry* ICE/RAIN Snowberry* Lizard 14. People would have to get to know you to understand you. Toad 14. 6.Brumal (Latin origin) meaning frigid or wintry. Flamingo 9. Take it and find out!!!! Crevasse15. For example, there's a tribe called the 'Icewings' and some of their members include 'Winter', 'Icicle', 'Glacier' and 'Hailstorm'. Epiphyllum is a cactus that grows in the rainforest, but it is often called Epi for short, so that could work for a RainSand dragon (and Epi would be their nickname) (edited by EchoDragonArt) Clay is saved by Peril, who burned poisonous venom from his leg. Summer 3. How many wings of fire hybrids are there? You love the earth, and love helping it and exploring it. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. Grape, a perfect name inspired by fruit for your RainWing dragon character. Vine, a cute name for a LeafWing dragon. Carmargue, a name that is taken from the region of France with many salt lagoons. 16.Umber, MudWing who is on the run with Sora. Ivy 10. Here are female Wings Of Fire MudWings names. Ash (Powdery remainder after burning something) Atacama (Long desert in Chile) Apophis (Enemy of the Sun God RA, serpent) Aloe (A succulent plant) Alabaster (White and apparent gypsum) Addax (A white animal in North American desert) Arid (Non-rainy barren area) Deer6. I know I did not do ALL Hybrids, if you want more names then the book @OneWhisker made that is called "Wings of fire ideas!". Earthstalker 13. You might be grumpy, but many others admire your confident personality and brave heart. A SlikWing/RainWing hybrid. Honey (Honeycomb, Honeydew etc) 15. creative tips and more. 38. We have created a list of male, female and gender-neutral IceWing dragon names. Rainbow, a perfect name for a colorful RainWing dragon. Such as the names of animated movies and something related to the characters specialty. 40.Catfish, among the cool SeaWing-MudWing hybrid names. Here is a list of dragon names of males and females that appear in Wings of Fire. 40. 28.Snowdrift (English origin) meaning "a giant heap of snow taking place after a snowstorm". Hazel 6. Hawkmoth 2. Their scales tend to change color in response to their mood and state of mind, and they can also use their scales to blend in with their environment, allowing them to sneak up on their enemies. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Chipmunk 12. So, you have an internet connection at your home or on your mobile phone. 38.Auburn, taken from the shade of brown. Below are some HiveWing LeafWing hybrid names for your characters. Also, please say what I could add to this book to make it better, since this is the very first one I ever wrote. Deadlytail11. 32.Blanco/Blanca (Spanish origin) meaning "white". Saguaro 5. Female MudWing Name Ideas. Diamondback4. Here are some names for hybrid dragons. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Generally, takes place near a mountain. Jay, MudWing-SeaWing1. 40.Glaze (Middle English origin) meaning the reflective shine on iced surfaces. #sandwing randomize. 64. If you want, at the end you can comment the name you got. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. 6. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Parch 8. Please help :,) 0. You love doing outdoor activities, and are a fast runner. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. It generally arrives before a snowstorm. Guava, a perfect name for a parrot RainWing living in Scorpion Den. 33.Blizzard (American origin) meaning "a very long and violent snowstorm". 1. You are very beautiful, but very shy. Spectral, a good name for NightWing and RainWing hybrid dragons. It refers to a half-woman/half-bird in Greek mythology. Nebula, a strong name for a NightWing-RainWing hybrid. Short and simple names can easily be pronounced without any difficulty. 5.Crocodile, a MudWing who served as a spy under Burn. Loon10. Finch8. Sorry, I just can't do it. Hybrids are dragons with parents from different tribes from one another, which usually results in the offspring looking strange or different from other dragons. The names of MudWings match their appearance and characteristics. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Hybrids are not uncommon in 'Wings of Fire'. Here are great gender neutral names for MudWings. Rabbit 7. Moth6. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. Contents 1 Description 2 Diet 3 Abilities 4 Society 5 Names Welcome to Wings of Fire Names Wiki The Wings of Fire Names Wiki is dedicated to the names of the tribes in the Wings of Fire book series to help users easily find names for their OCs (original characters). They are a servant and live in Mantis Hive. Drizzle13. Parodia 4. 28. Yeah! In this article, we have shared some cool and amazing wings of fire names. RainWings are usually pacifists and were not involved in the War of SandWing Succession. 3.Clay, the name of the MudWing who is the protagonist of The Dragonet Prophecy. If you would like to contribute to articles relating to the canon series, then please visit the, If you would like to create articles about your OCs, alternate universes, fanfictions, etc, then please visit the. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Dew15. Your female Nightwing has dark green scales, and has leafspeak. 26. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Smelt7. Solar 14. Alligator, one of the names for a male MudWing who looks like an alligator. Credit is appreciated but not necessary. 37.Flurry (Onomatopoeic) meaning a mass of snow swirling in the winter air. Beach2. Summer 11. Beauty, such good SeaWing names are suitable for a 'Wings Of Fire' hybrid dragon. Roadrunner 7. 31. 39. 13.Squall (Scandinavian origin) meaning a sudden and heavy gust of wind or a storm that brings snow, rain or sleet. They are currently ruled by Queen Glory . Pfft. 21. Birch has ice-coloured scales and a very light orange underbelly. His tail goes from a black-green to grey to crystal-like white. Brightsting 5. There is little known about you except your close family members. It can often be seen after a terrible snowstorm and rain. 25. This category is for all known hybrid characters in the Wings of Fire series. Shrew 8. 27. 41. Rabbit12. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. IceWing/NightWing Names: + NorthStar + Snowwatcher + Icebreaker (Okay, this is definitely more IceWing-ish, but still.) 33. You may use any of these names without asking. We all know that this is the era of technology and we all affiliated with the internet. #fandom #nightwing 39.Fractal (Latin origin) meaning a snowflake structure. You might also want to look at our list of the best 'Wings Of Fire' IceWing names and the best RainWing names from 'Wings Of Fire'. Honey (Honeycomb, Honeybee) 13. 8. Drought 12. Pointing out none of the art is mine, all the art belongs to the original artists. 33.Squelch, for a dragon that likes to squelch through the mud. You prefer to be left alone but wouldn't mind company every now and then. Copper6. Wings of Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. According to the description in A Guide to the Dragons of Pantala, HiveWing scales can be red, yellow, and/or orange. Coyote5. Gull/Seagull3. Lyre, this 'Wings Of Fire' dragons' name is perfect for MudWing dragons. Crayfish/Crawfish/Crawdad 5. 35. 45. Pupfish 9. 25.Silvermoon (English origin) meaning a moon in colored in wintry and icy hues. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Lily/Lilypad 11. 34. Hoverfly Boil 6. | 360x450 px; This site is an open community for users to share their favorite picture on the internet, all pics or pictures in this blog are for personal pics use only, it is stricly prohibited to use this pics for commercial purposes, if you are the writer and find this pics is shared without your permission, please kindly raise a DMCA report to Us. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. Ray4. This does not influence our choices. Cascade 5. You love to sleep, even thought you'd like people to think otherwise. 20. They have bioluminescent markings and average-sized horns that curl around to face their enemies. Ant/Anteater14. If you liked our suggestions for MudWing Names then check out these 'Game Of Thrones' dragon names and these Skyrim dragon names. Toco, a perfect name for a toucan dragon. 17.Chalcedony (Latin origin) meaning a frost or ice hued pearly blue white gemstone. 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