Our local experts look for all the entry points used by the groundhogs, existing damage, and additional issues caused by their presence. Please note: Homeowners are strictly prohibited from trapping and shooting wildlife outside regulated seasons, unless the animal has been actively causing property damage or is an obvious threat to public health and safety. They are among the "cute" and furry creatures we are all fans of. is it legal to shoot groundhog in north carolina Not recognizing that dependent young may be present when live-trapping and relocating wildlife during the spring and summer often has tragic consequences. The groundhog's feeding and burrowing habitssuch as in hay or crop fields, home gardens, orchards, and nurseriescan result in conflicts with property owners. The groundhog is actually a member of the squirrel family and can grow quite large to almost two feet, weighing ten pounds or more. Groundhogs can be found throughout the eastern half of the United States and throughout Canada. One of the key features to remember when you are relocating a groundhog is that it shouldn't be able to get back to your property, so it is important to make sure that it is far enough away so that this doesn't happen. North America From the PA game commission ---Landowners have a right to protect their property from damages caused by wildlife. Call us at 443.282.5035 or contact us online to schedule a groundhog removal inspection and estimate with a member of our animal removal team. This stocky, medium-sized mammal is built for digging with short, strong legs and long . As mentioned, groundhogs are burrowing animals, meaning they make their homes underground. Rescuing Young Wildlife to assess the situation. SAME-DAY SHIPPING FOR ALL ORDER PLACED BEFORE 12PM EST. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. Groundhogs are herbivores and often be found grazing on grass, leaves, flowers, clover, alfalfa, wheat and rye. By moving groundhogs, which may be infected even if they have no obvious symptoms, I may be spreading the disease. When they hit water pipes, it can cause leaks in your home, and their burrowing can create sinkholes on your property. In fact, the odds are heavily stacked against any animal who is dumped in a strange park, woodland or other natural area. Is it legal to relocate groundhogs in Maryland? Groundhogs are persistent animals. You'll want to drop him off in a clearing that is about 2-5 miles away. Control groundhogs by preventing their access in to a vegetable garden with a strong 4-foot fence, buried 12 inches in the ground. Groundhogs are homebodies. Change or refresh baits daily. Make sure that mother and young are able to remain together to prevent any of them from dying cruel deaths. The best time to trap a groundhog is in the late spring or early summer when they're looking for food. All killing of nuisance wildlife must be in a lawful and humane manner. They can be a nuisance to homeowners, especially in the spring when they are looking for a place to raise their young. Imagine the cost of repairing damaged drain pipes and foundations? The Latest Innovations That Are Driving The Vehicle Industry Forward. Within other words, this suggestion would transfer the regulation of game wildlife trapping back to the National Trap Coalition, which might be where the authority had been vested before the executive order was decreed." Groundhogs will chatter teeth, hiss, squeal or growl when angry. While they may be cute and seemingly harmless, they can undoubtedly be destructive to a homeowner's property. Homeowners who set traps and catch these species face the choice of killing the animal or releasing it. Unbaited cage traps set near openings with boards or logs to guide the woodchuck are also effective. Call us today! Place a pile of bait behind the trigger and scatter a little bait outside the opening of the trap and just inside the trap entrance. Groundhogs, or woodchucks, are very common in rural areas but are also frequently seen in suburban areas. The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Groundhogs may NOT be relocated off the property they were trapped. Since skunks - as well as raccoons, bats, groundhogs, foxes and coyotes - are rabies vector species, they should not be relocated like other wildlife. 1. If you find a groundhog in your yard, and you're not sure if he has babies, there are a few things you can look for. Although shooting a nuisance groundhog isnt considered hunting, if shots were fired within the safety zone established by another home (150 yards for firearms), it could result in a citation. Groundhogs are one of a few species that can be trapped or hunted. Along with the sound science requirement within regulating all game wildlife trapping, "the initiative would also require public organized hearing prior to the issuance of any orders by the National Trap Coalition." Know your local firearm discharge laws. When the removal process is complete, our Maryland groundhog removal specialists reinforce the structure to prevent infestation in the future. Set traps at main burrow entrances or along major travel lanes. The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services. If you drop wildlife off in an area it is not familiar with, its chances of survival drop drastically. Groundhogs belong to the rodent family. where regulations may be more restrictive, especially as it applies to discharge of firearms, transport of animals or use of trapping equipment. Baltimore County Animal Removal Services: Arbutus (21227), Catonsville (21228, 21250), Cockeysville (21030, 21031, 21065), Dundalk (21222), Edgemere (21219), Essex (21221), Garrison (21055), Lansdowne (21227), Lochearn (21207), Lutherville (21093), Middle River (21220), Milford Mill (21244), Overlea (21236), Owings Mills (21117), Parkville (21234), Park Heights (21215), Pikesville (21208), Randallstown (21133), Reisterstown (21136), Rosedale (21237), Timonium (21093), Towson (21204), White Marsh (21162), Woodlawn (21207), and more. Once your trap comes in, spray it down with bleach or disinfectant spray to remove all scents. Wildlife, and our groundhog removal specialists are happy to explain the process to you. We move the traps to new locations if necessary, and our team will add more if the groundhogs choose other entry points. The entrance hole is made larger as the animal grows. Dont let groundhogs take over your property, Be aware of the hidden issues caused by groundhogs, Dont allow groundhogs to damage your homes foundation, Holes that are 10 to 12 inches in diameter, Bite marks in your garden vegetables or missing plants/flowers, 10 to 12-inch entry holes in your homes exterior, Animal droppings in your basement or crawl space. COMAR 08.03.12. We hope this has been a helpful review of the laws as they pertain to the removal of nuisance groundhogs and woodchucks. Groundhogs are permitted to be killed if they are causing damage such as digging at a homes foundation. After the woodchuck takes the bait once or twice, add new bait and set the trap. If you need more information, ask your Maryland groundhog removal specialist for help. They are largely sedate creatures, spending most of their. "Consequently, the wildlife officer of the M-trappin' agency became responsible for managing and protecting the state's natural resources, wildlife, and environmental protection. However, the problem with using traps like these, can be that they may not always kill the groundhog instantly which . The Maryland General Assemblys Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. The groundhog ( Marmota monax )also known as woodchuck and whistle pigis one of Missouri's most widely distributed mammals. Improper use of a . While digging along the edge of the house, they might nest on the foundation, causing damage due to prolonged exposure to moisture, sunlight, chewing, and water runoff. The height of the fence above ground should be at least 3 feet. They are territorial and feel incredibly vulnerable when their burrows are invaded. It's difficult to visualize a little groundhog being destructive. Groundhogs in Michigan are found living under decks, in rock walls, and in hills. So, when they've chosen a place they're comfortable with, they typically don't leave on their own unless their food source is removed or you relocate the animal yourself. Remember, during the spring and summer months, it is extremely likely that the animal denning under your steps or elsewhere around your home is a female with dependent young. They can be destructive to your property, and they're a common animal in the United States. It is against the law in Michigan to transport a live wild animal. They can create underground networks of tunnels, which can damage the foundation of your home. Groundhogs dig holes on top of hills creating landslides. Groundhogs typically give birth to two to six young at a time, and they're born blind and helpless. They can cause significant damage by burrowing under homes and gardens. 2023 LifeSupplyUSA. This free permit can be obtained by calling the Maryland Nuisance Wildlife Hotline at 877-463-6497. A landowner permit is needed to trap chipmunks, opossums,porcupines, rabbits,raccoons, skunks,tree squirrelsand woodchucksin Maryland. It sounds like a good idea, but the sad truth is that live-trapping and relocation rarely ends well for wildlife, nor is it a permanent solution. Residents throughout Maryland might have groundhogs in their yard and never actually see the animals themselves. Litters can, and will, be moved if disturbed. However, it is illegal in Ohio to live trap and relocate a raccoon (or any other rabies vector species; skunk, coyote, bat, fox) to a new area. They eat almost any plant material and are especially fond of tomatoes. An electric fence wire placed 4-5 inches off the ground and the same distance outside the fence should be used to prevent the groundhog from climbing over the fence. Hunting season for groundhogs starts June 1 and runs . The first thing you'll need to trap a groundhog is a live animal cage trap in a size that is suitable for them. It is illegal to destroy or damage a muskrat house or den, a beaver house or a beaver dam. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It's an inexpensive and effortless method to preventing structural damage to your home. Then if a neighbor complains, I know I'm covered. You do not need a hunting license to kill a problem groundhog. Child opossum wild animal control companies may take opossum, opossum and opossum by critter trap at age 12 within 2007. Terms and conditions. Once you've decided to trap a groundhog, follow the steps outlined in this article to do so humanely and effectively. Moreover, if the legislature became more involved within annual game management policy revue, the recently passed youth wildlife trapping regulatory changes would improve and they alone took over five years to accomplish. If you are permitted to relocate groundhogs, avoid direct contact with them because the ticks they carry could spread Lyme disease. Some states dont allow anyone but professionals to have a trapping license, youll have to either learn to live with your furry friend or pay up to have someone else remove it. Since woodchucks are active during the day, set the trap in the morning and close or remove it during the night; this will minimize the likelihood of catching a non-target animal that is active at night. There are the Clarksville groundhogs that can trap and kill while others can keep the groundhogs alive after trapping. There are times and circumstances when relocation is surely a better alternative than certain death. The new change also allows child wild animal control companies beginning at age 10, to take opossum by cage trap and baited trap. The 2018-2019 trapping season for groundhogs started June 1 and ends September 30. Often called "groundhogs" or "whistle-pigs," they are not in the pig family at all. We service over 500 USA locations! Is it illegal to catch and release groundhogs? The Maryland General Assemblys Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. If you really dont want to kill the groundhog, you may decide caging and relocation is the way to go. Nuisance Wildlife Sometimes, it is necessary to learn how to prevent frequent visits by wildlife to your home or neighborhood. The recently passed child wildlife trapping regulatory changes alone took over three years to accomplish. It shouldn't take too long considering the groundhog is living on the property, and the bait is posed as an easy source of food. We also provide professional service in over 600 locations. Woodchucks are common and abundant in Massachusetts. When the only other option is killing, we sometimes agree that relocation, which gives the wild animal at least a chance, is acceptable. Learn more: What is a raccoons mating habits? They can be destructive to your property, and they're a common animal in the United States. Those who animal capture private land within Zones 1 and 2 must either own 40 hectares of land or have permission to animal capture the private nuisance wildlife land within the respective opossum Management Unit (DMU) they wish to animal capture. However, permission is required from the landowner before releasing into suitable habitat. White incisors protrude from the mouth. Epsom Salts. It may even become necessary to remove Nuisance Wildlife from your property. Handling wildlife may also put you at risk for disease. Big Game Damage Control. The first thing is the availability of food and water . The Maryland conservation officer feels strongly about this issue. Message and data rates may apply. It will eventually be a foot wide with a mound of soil around it. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Consideration should be given not to relocate groundhogs during spring while the young are in the den or in the autumn immediately before hibernation when there may not be time to establish a winter den. map or the above list of areas that we service. The groundhog is the largest member of the squirrel family. Caging a groundhog in a humane trap is not hard, but legally relocating the animal could be. When groundhogs infiltrate your property, they might nest under your deck, porch, or storage shed. They are found throughout the state except on Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. They eat grasses, plants, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and other plant matter. These are rabies vector species and should not be relocated, but exterminated and properly disposed. problems with feeding wildlife. We service almost every metro area in Maryland, and several of the smaller towns as well. The size of the denning space and the amount of ventilation will largely influence if such repellents will work. Moreover, if the legislature became more involved within annual game management policy revue, there would great difficulty within amending regulations within most likely a timely manner and politics would certainly have more bearing than science. But sometimes, when they get a little too "up close and personal", they can become a nuisance. Their body is covered with grizzled, grayish brown fur down its back. Do you know how to release a trapped animal? You should not trap and relocate a groundhog with babies. Bait the trap with apple slices, cantaloupe, other fruits or vegetables such as carrots and lettuce, or use professional paste baits. For those who want to abolish the rule of Striped Skunk, doing so would certainly reduce public input. Well-adapted to urban life, they will opt to nest in safe, quiet and dark spacessuch as an uncapped chimney or under the back porch stepsif given the opportunity. Refer to the American Veterinary Medical Association for guidelines on euthanasia. To prevent woodchucks from scaling the fence, you can add an electrified wire 45 inches off the ground and 45 inches from the outside of the fence. Occasionally, they also will raid gardens or agricultural fields for fruits and vegetables like cucumbers. It might be the obligation of all who participate to familiarize themselves with all the changes annually. without permission. Tennessee Code Annotated 70-4-115 states in part that, the owner of lands may destroy any wild animals, wild birds, or wild fowl when such wild animals, wild birds, or wild fowl are destroying property upon such lands. We set traps near the entrance holes of the colony, use bait as needed, and sanitize your yard to prevent further infestations. USDA Wildlife Services, Northern Wisconsin: 800-228-1368 (in-state) or 715-369-5221. They had been given this charge to manage game by use of sound scientific management back within 1997 under Suggestion "Striped Skunk". Relocation of rabies-vector species (raccoon, skunk, and fox) is prohibited under the Groundhogs . If you see a mother and her young together, it's best to leave them alone and let them go about their business. But groundhogs are a bit more complicated because they are designated as a rabies vector species, meaning they are primary carriers of the rabies virus. Travel lanes and water being destructive infiltrate your property, is it illegal to relocate groundhogs in maryland our team will add if! It might be the obligation of all who participate to familiarize themselves with all the changes annually burrows invaded. Or neighborhood set traps and catch these species face the choice of killing the animal could be under your,. 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