Youre so self-centered and only care about yourself., Your moodiness is ruining our relationship, Youre always late and its driving me crazy, Podcast #863: Key Insights From the Longest Study on Happiness, A Mans Guide to Black Tie: How To Wear A Tuxedo, A Mans Guide to Fragrance: How to Choose and Wear Cologne, How to Pick the Perfect Mens Wedding Ring, Your No-Nonsense Guide to Choosing the Right Beard Style, How to Grow a Beard: The One and True Guide, Beard Oil FAQs: Answering All Your Pressing Beardly Questions, Beard Grooming 101: The Lowdown on Products and Routine, How to Recognize a Quality Tie in 60 Seconds, Podcast #860: Get Fit, Not Fried The Benefits of Zone 2 Cardio. I invite you to let me know. I am also intrigued by the ideas of Powerful Non-Defensive Communication (PNDC), as developed by Sharon Strand Ellison. This framework is less tied to coercive associations with there being one right/objective perspective, and with searching for who to give social approval to and who to punish with disapproval. You write 'the book's list of words describing actual feelings contains quite a few words that Clean Talk would consider to be judgments masquerading as feelings, including quite a few words ending in "ed": "aggravated," "alarmed," "annoyed," "brokenhearted," "disappointed," "disgusted," "exasperated", "shocked," and "tired," among others. Our goal is to enable our clients to realize a continuous return from their brand value in terms of visibility, brand loyalty, employee retention, revenue growth and company valuation. And, I have occasionally had experiences of people making concrete requests in ways that did seem to narrow the conversation to a limited set of options in a way I didnt enjoy. Condition: Good. Would you be willing to let me know, if, now that you possible understand more about NVC, you are still concerned about the things you alluded to above not being shared? Our expertise stems from decades of experience providing strategic advisory services and marketing communication execution to climate tech companies. The open question isnt about whether discernment happens and is valuable, but about how it is likely to be useful to express this. Your demeanor can truly be wielded like a weapon. Thanks for reaching out! I suspect this may be a consequence of unspoken moralistic judgments being present, underneath the words. . And one of the most important factors in creating and sustaining these warm, intimate relationships is communication. Im guessing that in the first example, youve omitted a No response between the two blocks of text, and in the second example, a No response should replace the second block of text [Sure, you can come along] though this still leaves both examples reading a bit strangely, in terms of how well the final guess seems to match, or fails to match, the logic of the conversation.). I don't have a sense that this is a problem that commonly arises in the ways that people try to put NVC into practice, but I would be interested to learn if it occurs more commonly than I'm currently aware of. The physiological response suggests that on some level we've made a judgment that fighting might be an appropriate response. Cleantech Communication supports clients in realizing brand value. Products Bestsellers. Talk to a Coach . Maybe fatigue, though thats not as comfortable a word for some to use? I think the section you referenced to come to this conclusion might be better summarized as Dr. Every day CleanTalk gets information about thousands of new spam IPs/emails and some of these IP are used for card fraud too. We learn to communicate clearly and effectively. In the mainstream paradigm, sometimes referred to as the domination paradigm: In the partnership paradigm that NVC tries to support: Let me define a few terms, from an NVC-inspired perspective. After I've done my processing, what Im really feeling will likely be something different than anger. To address some of the issues youve raised, I think it will be helpful to offer a little more background on NVC as I understand it. Introduction Why Use Role Play Own Judgement Own Feelings Own Wants - Our Redo Own Data Word Coaching Introduction Judgements Feelings Wants Data Shadows of Clean Talk and Word Coaching Get Consent The End . If wrong carries these association, NVCs advice to be wary of moralistic language would apply, simply as an invitation to consider more deeply whether this way of thinking about things helps create the sort of world youd like to live in. I perceive the demonstration as being about refraining from interacting until we can interact in a way that we trust is more likely to be productive. To avoid this, strive to deliver whole messages when speaking with your significant other. Realizing that you want this for them as well, you may feel some tenderness towards them, and find that much of the energy of blame and judgment towards them drains away even as you continue to really want dependability and trust. Furthermore, part of our work in The Crucible Projectis the encouraging of each person to practice clean talk communication. I thought to myself, That's a telling question that reveals a confusion of boundaries." The body's immune system can also function more optimally by crowding out inflammatory . highlight potential weaknesses or limitations in NVC that I also have concerns about and/or where I find your perspective clarifying or intriguing; don't reflect NVC as I understand it, but rather reflect deficiencies in the way that NVC was presented to you (which does reflect ways others might also misunderstand/misapply NVC); offer things to think about and reflect on further; miss awareness of what NVC uniquely offers that is likely absent from Clean Talk. Keep Body Language Open and Receptive Your body language communicates a lot, sometimes more than the actual words you speak. My sense is that anger seems to involve a belief that someone has made a choice that has had a significant adverse impact on us, and that they could have made a different choice. (Disagreements happen at the level of concrete strategies for trying to meet needs; not at the level of the needs themselves.) With regard to perceptions that he minimizes the role of thought, again, I think that Dr. Rosenberg sometimes expressed things strongly to try to overcome the inertia of habits that undervalue emotion and values. As I interpret it, the recipes of NVC are largely oriented towards advising how to skillfully address what I might term Relationship Talk having conversations which, at some level, have to do with the relationship between me and you, and where there is a risk of a sense of separation creeping in between us if we're not attentive. If you get contact email spam, comment, registration or other spam messages, it's time to add spam protection to your website. You mention Rosenberg's "suggestion that we guess what the other person is feeling and needing, which seems to assume the other person isn't capable of describing it, and therefore rather condescending." Clean Talk TM is a communications approach specifically designed for expressing challenging or difficult messages by using language to evoke collaboration rather than compliance, proaction rather than reaction, and agility rather than rigidity. Rosenberg refuses to say the conventional things about violence to try to disrupt the static thinking about this topic that ultimately leads to nowhere near as good an outcome as he believes would otherwise be possible. Posted Dec 2022 4:47 TED-Ed 4 things all great listeners know By doing this, the other person can hear what you are feeling without being overwhelmed by you. [This is originally began as an email message to the author of the comparison, Alyce Barry, and so is written as if to her.]. There is a place for quasi-ultimatums in a relationship, but they come after youve completely exhausted every attempt to communicate and compromise about the problem in a positive way. In my judgment, hiding what you're doing is a form of deception, and deception is a form of violence." And, you offer an example of how the principle might have attended to both. I view learning how to communicate in more satisfying ways as an ongoing exploration, and Im continually trying to identify gaps in what I share with others about this topic, and in my own understanding. What NVC recommends is that the speaker express how the other persons actions have contributed to them personally. On the other hand, if I asked Are you able to give me a ride? this wouldnt seem to risk any assumptions about ability, but there would be a risk that the person would think Im implying that they should say yes if they are physically able to comply, even if they dont actually want to. ALONG WITH . We'll get back to you as soon as possible. However, anger would typically be a fast, transient emotion, if it weren't for periodic injections of thought that re-stimulate our anger. As to the risk of making empathy guesses (guesses about anothers observations, feelings, needs, etc.) Is it that?". We have developed fast and simple plugins for the most popular CMS such as WordPress spam protection plugin, Joomla, Drupal and other plugins. Some people win, some people lose; and often, if you look closely, everyone loses. But what actually comes out of our mouths may only be a slice of that bigger picture a partial fragment that is then misconstrued by our partner. I seldom use this sort of labeling anymore, and I think this is true of many NVC trainers. In criticizing behavior, youre calling out something specific and temporary something the person can realistically change. Most of the energy comes from somewhere else, though the words I read were the stimulus. I haven't often seen people getting into this sort of trouble. Moralistic language and judgments are used to talk about things that matter to people interpersonally. Functionally, one might think this is equivalent to saying that "violence is bad in some ways." I was delighted to encounter this, because I think there is a lot to be learned from reflecting on ideas dear to us (as we understand them and as others perceive them), and considering what arises from different orientations to the problem of communication. Id love to have trust and practical ease in what happens between us. Consider whether it would be helpful to name this as a useful option. I have an understanding that moralistic language is part of a larger pattern of trying to control people through punishment and reward in ways that tend to disconnect people from their own beneficial intrinsic motivations and inner wisdom, and that moralistic language tends to increase separation between people when some of those involved are cast as being at risk of being seen as morally wrong. Its not a form that it seems like NVC would encourage its not naming an NVC-style need, as I understand these. Here are some examples of global labels, and how they could be better rendered as specific critiques of behavior instead of character: As MFP put it, the essence of a you message is simply this: Im in pain and you did it to me. And theres usually this subtext: You were bad and wrong for doing it to me. When people slight us, it may be true that they are entirely, or almost entirely, to blame. In some groups of NVC practitioners, when any emotional intensity arises, this can lead to a shift in attention to attend to it which may last long enough to subvert the purpose of the meeting. CleanTalk Awards. Straight Talk About Communication Research Methods. This pattern ends in thinking Joe is wrong and deserves to be punished without ever considering other aspects of the situation, such as Joe making a tragic choice in order to address something that we could probably all agree was important to address, and our collectively modeling the use of violence as the way we address conflict, and so on. Clean Talk TM is a communications approach specifically designed for expressing challenging or difficult messages by using language to evoke collaboration rather than compliance, proaction rather than reaction, and agility rather than rigidity. As you discuss whats bothering you, describe your emotions as specifically as possible. ", You say "Despite his expressed dislike for thinking in general and for judgments in particular, I see Dr. Rosenberg suggesting that an NVC user make an extraordinary number of judgments, to divine the needs of ourselves and others, to respond to the "deeper meanings" beneath another person's words (p.9), to sense the other person's reality (p.97), and, when a request is refused, to guess what the other person is feeling or needing.". 100% Money-Back Guarantee.". And, in the ways many individuals practice NVC, it doesnt always successfully do that. Note to self: Explore how it might look to express two different levels of meaning in NVC. This is a case where the difference in the models likely explains the differences in the lists of what are considered feelings. Clean Talk includes the option of expressing judgments when they are clearly labeled as such. Tired and exhausted seem pretty innocent to me, with comparatively little implication that others have caused them. You further say, "Yet, in making these judgments, we never say that we're doing so. . I hope you've gotten something out of this as well. It seems like youve been busier, and I dont know if thats just because your classes are hard this semester or you just havent been as interested in hanging out [Thoughts]. MFP write that the basic message of a threat is: youre bad and Im going to punish you. Its a way of trying to compel desired behavior, but since it shuts down the whole discussion, even if it works in the short term, the underlying issue will remain unresolved. But, over time, we build up trust that there are alternatives to moralistic judgments, and we more naturally are able to go straight to a new way of relating to things. "Oh boo-hoo. They will make her feel hurt and defensive, greatly hindering any chance of communication. Regarding using giraffe to label someone speaking NVC and jackal to label someone speaking more violently, I agree that this is a risky strategy for trying to support conceptual clarity. There is no guidance in NVC that says we should not think, or should not discern, assess, make value judgements, try to sense, etc. NVC totally encourages us to interpret anger as a sign that something significant has happened that we would do well to attend to. A few years ago, I facilitated a process to gather input from people around the world who cared about NVC, and people from 42 countries participated, in 4 languages (which was as much as we could logistically manage). You say "Expressing our judgments may be the only way we can detect the judgments we hold that are inaccurate." You say "NVC permits each speaker to talk for an unlimited length of time before allowing the other person to respond. Actually, Dr. Rosenberg is famous for advising people to try to say whatever they want to say in 40 words or less (which is often unduly restrictive in practice). I'm tired of your perpetual 'poor me' attitude." "Maybe if you were more of a man, you'd be able to handle this." "You'd probably feel better if you got off your fat, lazy ass and finally did something about it." "You're acting so childish right now." "Oh boo-hoo. A punitive ultimatum, on the other hand, would be something like deciding to skip out on a concert you agreed to attend with her, in order to do something with your buddies. If one combines the assertions Joe did something violent and Violence is harmful and the implicit Harming is bad and wrong, then it is a slippery slope to condemning Joe and thinking that this is right and natural. All Speakers. By choosing "Accept", you agree to the storage of all types of cookies used on the site. Ive been feeling distant from you and confused about the status of our relationship [Feelings]. But, these can be reduced, over time, with practice. In its earlier phases, it looked more like Clean Talk than it does now, and potentially included judgments, so long as they were fully owned." I think the logic is basically that sharing interpretations is viewed as likely to stimulate arguments about whose interpretation is true, in a way that diverts attention away from matters that would be less divisive and more important to talk about namely, what needs are at issue, and what could be done to address those needs? ", (In your examples labeled NVC you mix text that seems to be of your own construction with text quoted from Rosenbergs book (NVC, p. 96). Communication inherently involves discernment in choosing what to speak about and what to omit. It seems like you struggle to be on time. There is a topic in NVC called connection requests, which unfortunately isnt addressed in the book you read. They are the judgments that go into formulating what will be expressed. You write "Imagine having a conversation with someone without making any judgments. We oftentimes want to think weve evolved past the flaws of our parents, so to hear youre just like your dad feels like a punch to the gut. Under other circumstances, I willingly share interpretations. Login. Id like for us to be more committed as a couple and to know what you think about the future of our relationship [Needs]., Just as a partial message can be misconstrued, so too can a contaminated message. An or else statement shouldnt be thrown around, and it shouldnt be punitive. And, I don't know the real context of the quote. Cloud & invisible spam protection for websites. Join more than 724 000 websites trusting CleanTalk, Anti-Spam Features. You talk about people being "uncomfortable using the word judgment and offer contexts in which it might be comfortable to use the word I am a little puzzled by why this subsection is there do you think that Rosenbergs position has something to do with being uncomfortable using the word judgment? There are two ways to criticize someone you can critique their character or their behavior. Again, this isnt addressed in the book you read. What is skillful around duration of speaking or listening depends on context. Clean 7 is a 7-Day detox program that blends Intermittent Fasting, Ayurveda, and Functional Medicine for powerful . One concern I might have about Clean Talk would be that it might miss an opportunity to support people in moving beyond the limiting traps created by their beliefs. And, it's likely this story was offered as an antidote to those who chronically under-prioritize connection. There is an intermediate step, if one hasnt gone through this sort of processing: One can remind oneself that our anger isnt the full truth of the situation, and that the blame component of what we feel is only there because we havent done the work to understand the situation more deeply. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. As I understand it, it is not physically possible to voice everything that happens inside our minds. . First, I want to name the the idea of requiring or not requiring or forbidding, etc., are all antithetical to NVC. So, I suppose it is naturally that there are words that are in a grey zone slightly but not extremely charged, and naming important experiences that are hard to point to otherwise so that they get included on NVC feelings lists, and it is hoped that the practitioner will use discernment about whether it is likely to be helpful or unhelpful to use that word in the context of a particular conversation. I agree that under many circumstances it could be off-putting to hear this. Dr. Rosenberg dealt with some of the problematic aspects of our interpretations, the stories we tell ourselves, by encouraging people to shift their focus, to attend more to other components of experience that he felt were ultimately more important. This encompasses strategic consulting services for brand positioning & messaging as well as strategic planning. Rosenberg also gives strong advice on the importance of being able to interrupt someone if they speak for longer than you enjoy. Resurrecting old beefs will ratchet up the intensity of your discussion, and will invariably send it off in a different direction and away from resolving the original issue. (This seems somewhat similar to Clear Talks position that people would do well to own what you want for you.). Note to self: Think about how to raise awareness around this issue, and support practicing NVC in ways that are truly transformative. ", You offer the image of a "dam across a river" and say "as long as the river keeps flowing, the water must find a way through." I notice that when I read this, I don't share or like the judgment of a "confusion of boundaries." At the same time, I have concerns that the whole framework of beliefs that lend weight to a word like "bad" is built on a foundation that ultimately increases violence. Yes, making beliefs explicit and expressing them, can help with this but I wonder if there is support for realizing the tendency towards beliefs to be unduly limiting in the experiences they allow us to access? Its easier to associate with our own inner wisdom about what works for us. I think that this overstates the role of emotion, by neglecting the centrality that Dr. Rosenberg gives to focusing on needs, i.e., onconnection to the deepest values that motivate ourselves and others. You comment on "need" vs. "want" repeats what I think is a fundamental misunderstanding about the role of "needs" in NVC. Parameters are written to the log which can be viewed in the Dashboard service. I gather that Clean Talk offers some ideas about this, and those may be useful. Actively transforming our judgments. But blanket condemnations of your partners character are anathema to a loving relationship. This was definitely the best in the bunch. The result highly resilient work partnerships that produce positive performance. 4 Reasons Why "Clean Talk Communication" is Important During some of my recent coaching sessions, I have both noticed my clients leaning toward wordiness and/or my clients would have to address wordiness in others. I feel frustrated reading this, in the way that it seems to misinterpret what NVC is advising us to do or not do. I dont see any problem with the systems focusing on different usages. Its hard to move forward if you keep rehashing the past; instead, let sleeping dogs lie. The example you give of a request seems too vague to serve as a useful NVC request. You write, "It's my belief that when we attempt to hide our judgments, they emerge anyway. It may be helpful to review what I said above about what the technical term need refers to in NVC. I believe its a mistake to take such expressions of his too literally. as a way of alluding to whats there without unduly triggering the listener.). But, it could happen, so I value the possibility being named. I think his talk of never hearing thoughts was meant as a wake-up-call to people "lost in their heads" who might believe they can rely purely on reason to navigate through conflict, without opening themselves to feelings, compassion, and empathic understanding. Acknowledging our judgments, without feeding" them, and attending to what they point to in a different way. I am grateful for the food for thought supplied by your naming these concerns. How would you know to whom you were talking, or when the conversation started and ended, or when the other person had finished talking and it was your turn to speak? Again, NVC is totally in favor of people exercising discernment (what you call judgment), so this concern seems rooted in a premise that doesnt match my understanding of NVC. NVC isnt a narrow tool that is just about communication; in some way, its more like developing a meditation practice. Are you seeing something different than this? Other NVC practitioners have had enough experiences like this that they didn't enjoy, that they have gotten to a point where they overcompensate in the other direction, and avoid using their connection skills in settings where people are trying to get things done. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen agreed with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He to enhance communication about macroeconomic and financial issues during a "candid, substantive, and constructive . In an example that I find surprising, Dr. Rosenberg won't say that in his opinion violence is harmful, as this would be a 'moralistic judgment' (p.17). MFP lay out 10 commandments to follow when youre talking with your significant other. UK Cleaning Forum - CleanTalk. Remember when I spent all weekend cleaning the house before your folks arrived and you never even said thank you?, Its always the same damned thing with you. Give it to em straight, and give it to em cleanly. The inclusion of a "second-level want" in Clean Talk likely offers some, but not all, of the benefits of NVC's focus on needs. People are understood as having powerful intrinsic motivation to contribute to life and to one anothers well-being, which can blossom when these impulses are not being dampened by a coercive milieu. When we raise our voice, withdraw into cold hostility, adopt a sneering tone, or employ biting sarcasm, we can wound those we love. To the contrary, Rosenberg was fond of encouraging people to "enjoy the jackal show," i.e., to accept and watch the stream of judgments that flow through our consciousness. You also express concern that the word hurt can be taken to imply that someone has done the hurting to us. Messy talk and clean technology: communication, problem-solving and Clean communication means keeping your voice as close to your normal tone and volume as possible. You say "Clean Talk allows for the expression of anger in the same manner as other emotions and contrast this with NVCs encouragement to transform anger and then express what was at the heart of our anger. Something acts as an NVC-style need if it draws attention to something that is wanted in a way that people are likely to have sympathy for and find understandable, and at a level of abstraction that supports flexibility in thinking about possible ways of addressing it. One way of expressing the concern behind NVCs advice on this is that it can be harmful to praise or offer compliments that imply that there is an objective standard of goodness and that the speaker is entitled to pronounce judgments on behalf of that objective standard. You offer some example of how (moralistic) judgments can leak out. Imagine that you approach a performer after a performance and say, You were great! That may land well, but if the performer was painfully aware of some mistakes, they may dismiss what you say as being uninformed and untrue. Im not clear on to what extent this is a limit of NVC vs. being a limit of our practices of it. Real-Time Email Address Existence Validation to increase your conversion rate. Your visitors are more loyal and not annoyed guessing characters or puzzles. It doesn't seem to occur to either the principal or Dr. Rosenberg that the goal of attending the meeting need not be summarily dropped in favor of spending an unspecified length of time with the student, that the situation might be a both/and rather than an either/or." I don't know enough about the particulars of the principal's situation to know for sure what I choice I would have made in her situation. I've learned that I enjoy human beings more if I don't hear what they think." CleanTalk eliminates the need for CAPTCHA, questions&answers and other ways which use complicated communication methods for spam protection on your site. "Maybe if you were more of a man, you'd be able to handle this.". They become your regular visitors. Please feel free to discard whatever is not useful to you. In the example you offered, the inaccuracy could also have been exposed by sharing an observation such as "You didn't call me" without layering on judgment (pejorative speculation about others reasons) by saying "You couldn't be bothered to call me.". We also offer strategy and execution . You also say "it seems to be inviting a discussion of reasons with no clear guidelines for how reasons might be expressed safely using NVC. Actually, one of the main reasons for suggesting guessing the reason, as opposing to simply asking for a reason, is to model the type of reasons one is looking to hear. But, this is somewhat outside the realm of mainstream NVC teaching. ". Regarding the differences in popularity, aside from any differences in the merits of the practices, I'll note that Rosenberg spent decades living out of a suitcase, traveling the world, sharing NVC with anyone who would listen. In 1973, apparently Marshall Rosenberg specifically cautioned against talking about needing something, out of a concern that this would convey an unhelpful sense of Its an emergencyI have to have this thing I say Im needing. Over the years, Marshall wrestled with how to address certain problems that he wanted NVC to be able to address, and this eventually led to Marshall including something he chose to call needs as a central feature of the model. If so, I too want those concerns to be given weight. As I understand it, what Dr. Rosenberg says amounts to expressing concern about some nuances of how we appreciate and encourage one another, not something that goes against the basic idea. Will be expressed ( guesses about anothers observations, feelings, needs, etc ). You also express concern that the word hurt can be taken to imply that has! On to what extent this is somewhat outside the realm of mainstream NVC teaching practicing NVC in ways that inaccurate. 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