Refer to Section 2-214D, Construction Contingency Plan, of this manual. Know before you go:National Weather Service -Caltrans Social Media -Road Informationorcall 1-800-427-7623 -QuickMap Real-time Travel Information, MASH Implementation (Permanent and Temporary Traffic Safety Devices), CA DMV Driver's Handbook - Sharing the Road: (Road Workers and Work Zones; Double Fine Zones; Move Over and Slow Down), Transportation Management Plan Guidelines (Caltrans), Caltrans Public Information Officers (by District), California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), Crashworthy Work Zone Traffic Control Devices, Pedestrian Considerations for California Temporary Traffic Control Zones Brochure (PDF), Design Information Bulletin 82-05 Pedestrian Accessibility Guidelines for Highway Projects (PDF), CA MUTCD Part 6H, TA-101(CA) through TA-104(CA), UC Berkeley, Institute of Transportation Studies, Technology Transfer Program, American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA), FHWA Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program, National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), California Traffic Control Devices Committee (CTCDC), Division of Occupational Safety and Healths (Cal/OSHA) Construction Safety Orders, Caltrans Construction Contract Standards (including Standard Plans, Standard Specifications & Standard Special Provisions), CA Numbered Exit Uniform System (Cal-NExUS), Contractor-Furnished Sign & Standard Plans, Construction Project Funding Identification Signs, Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Signs, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. This 8-hour course provides the student with the practical knowledge that a Traffic Control Technician needs to properly install and maintain a work zone traffic control system. . Economic Stimulus Recovery Act Funding Sign Policy Update. Verify telescoping flag trees are from a commercial-quality material manufacturer. Verify the base is shaped to prevent delineators from rolling if stuck by vehicles. Verify that crash cushion module arrays are installed according to the manufacturers instructions. The specifications require temporary traffic screen to have 3-foot-long openings spaced at 200-foot intervals. When determining how much to include on a progress pay estimate, withhold some payment sufficient to cover the cost of maintaining and removing the signs. Lane closures shall not begin at top of 15. PHONE: (916) 654-2852 INTERNET: California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, Part 6: Temporary Traffic Control. (PDF), Caltrans Letter to CTCDC for the Adoption of the 2010 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), FHWA Letter to Caltrans for Substantial Conformance of the 2010 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), Provide Bicycle and Motorcycle Detection on all new and modified approaches to traffic-actuated signals in the state of California. If automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) bid item is not shown on the bid item list, providing AFAD is change order work. Inspect TPARs weekly to verify that they are clean and unobstructed and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the work plan required by the specifications. Verify the lights are dimmed at night and set on bright during daylight hours. 1-866-685-8564 CALL US NOW for a free consultation! crest vertical curve or on a horizontal curve. Inclusion of new guide signs for Watershed Boundary (S36(CA), S36A(CA), and S36B(CA)) in the California MUTCD (PDF), Inclusion of new and deletion of existing regulatory parking, stopping and loading signs in the California MUTCD (PDF), Inclusion of FHWA's final rule of worker visibility in the California MUTCD (PDF), FHWA Interim Approval - Optional Use of Flashing Yellow Arrow for Permissive Left Turns (PDF), Inclusion of interim policy for reduced speed limits in school zones in the California MUTCD (PDF), Inclusion of new guide signs (G12-1(CA), G12-2(CA), G86-14(CA), G98(CA), and S22-1(CA)) in the California MUTCD (PDF), Inclusion of new regulatory signs (R39(CA), SR25(CA), and SR26(CA)) in the California MUTCD (PDF), Revision of policies for various signs (S30(CA), S33(CA), R10-11) in the California MUTCD (PDF), Revision to Signs and Pavement Markings for Persons with Disabilities in the California MUTCD (PDF), Inclusion of the Slow for the Cone Zone Signs in the California MUTCD (PDF), Inclusion of Proposition 1B Funding Signs in Project Plans (PDF), Implementation of Streets and Highways Code - Section 1978 - "WHERE WE HONOR VETERANS" (PDF), FHWA Interim Approval - Traffic Signal Backplate (PDF), FHWA Interim Approval - Wayside Horn System (PDF), FHWA Interim Approval - Clearview Fonts (PDF), FHWA Interim Approval - RV Friendly Symbol Sign (PDF), California MUTCD Adoption Letter to FHWA Division Administrator (PDF), Adoption Memo to Caltrans Districts (PDF), 2006 Travel Time Values for Automobiles and Trucks, Commercial Television Broadcasts from Transportation Management Centers (TMC), Distributing Traveler Information to Commercial/Media Information Service Providers, Charging and Billing Policy for Memorial Signs and College Signs (PDF), Crashworthy Temporary Traffic Control Devices in Work Zones Categories 1, 2 & 3 (PDF), Parking Restrictions at Intersections (PDF), Use of safety-related message on changeable message signs (PDF), Orientation of Barricade Stripes For Temporary Traffic Control (PDF), The use of CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP plaque (W4-4p) for 4-way stop and 2-way stop conversions (PDF), The use of NO TURN ON RED signs for less than 75 degrees skewed signalized intersections (PDF), Minimum Yellow Light Change Interval (PDF), MUTCD 2003 Adoption Letter to FHWA Division Administrator (PDF), The Department Adopts FHWA's MUTCD 2003 to Replace the Traffic Manual (PDF), Policy on the Retention of Traffic Safety Investigations Records and Collision Reports (PDF), In-Roadway Warning Lights at Crosswalks (PDF), Placement of Traffic Controller Cabinets (PDF), State Furnished Materials for LED Modules and BBS Systems (PDF), Specific Service Sign (Logo) Program - Increased Population Beyond 5,000 (PDF), Supplemental Signing for City Civic Center Areas (REVISED) (PDF), Exception to High and Low Risk Policy for the Statewide Exit Number and Vertical Clearance Sign Projects, Purpose, Application and Approval Authority for Exceptions to Design Standards (PDF), Interchange Exit Numbering Policy (36 pages, 1.52 MB) (PDF), Weathered/Ungalvanized Barrier Rail (PDF), Supplemental Signing for City Civic Center Areas (PDF), State of California, Department of Transportation, Victims Memorial Sign Program (PDF), Traffic Manual,Section 8-03.4 Speed Limit Signs and Markings (PDF), Traffic Manual,Section 9-13.11 Voltage Drop (PDF), Left Turn Extinguishable Message Sign (SUPERSEDED by CA MUTCD, Section 2L.01, paragraph #05) (PDF), Changes to Traffic Manual 6-03.2 Rumble Strips (PDF), Specific SVC Sign (Logo) Program - Increased Population Beyond 5000 (PDF), Interim Energy Conservation Measures for Guide Signs (PDF), Horizontal/Vertical Clearance changes (PDF), Crashworthy Traffic Control Devices in Work Zones (PDF), Deploying Battery Back-up Systems at Traffic Signalized Intersection (PDF), Profiled ThermoplasticTraffic Stripe (PDF), Vertical Clearance Sign Policy for State Highway Structures (PDF), Deploying Battery Backup Systems at Traffic Signalized Intersections (PDF), New and Non-standard Devices Exception Process (PDF), Overhead Guide Sign Illumination Policy (PDF), PLAN-Typical Signing for COZEEP/MAZEEP Reduced Speed Zone (PDF), Maintenance Factor for Intersection Lighting (PDF), Lighting for Nonstandard Sag Vertical Curves (PDF), Clarification on Lighting of Sag Vertical Curves with Nonstandard Stopping Sight Distance (PDF), Construction Speed Zones (12-22-92) (PDF), Catwalks on Overhead Sign Structures (PDF), Nonstandard Lighting Poles on Conventional State Highways Installed and Maintained by Others (PDF), Crosswalks and Detector Installations (3-27-90) (PDF), Crosswalks and Detector Installations (8-21-89) (PDF), Break / Slip Base Under Electroliers Located Along Freeways, Expressways and Conventional Highway (PDF), "Prepare to Stop" Signs at Signalized Intersections (PDF), CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources, FHWA Letter to Caltrans for Substantial Conformance of the 2014 Rev 4 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), Use of Enhanced Conspicuity for selected sign posts to improve safety on the State Highway System (PDF). The contract item for the traffic control system includes payment for portable signs, cones, delineators, and flashing arrow signs as shown on the plans for the traffic control system and impact attenuator vehicle. When an operation is terminated before the time the specifications allow because of circumstances beyond the contractors control, consider granting time, compensation, or both, within the terms of the contract. PCMS can be used in place of an advance flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. Home Programs Compute the payment as a force account or as an adjustment of compensation based on a force account analysis. Verify that the contractor schedules and conducts a meeting to discuss the operation of impact attenuator vehicle as required under Section 12-3.23A(4), Quality Assurance, of the Standard Specifications. Consider placing supplemental tapers within an existing closure. Remember that the motorist has no knowledge of the traffic control plan and is entirely dependent on the system for warning and guidance. Also, verify that flagging stations are laid out correctly, are visible to approaching traffic, are illuminated during nighttime, and have correct advance warning signs. Verify Category 3 temporary traffic control devices are the type shown on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. Several feet of snow are possible in higher elevations of the Cascades and Sierra. Adjustments should be made to create adequate sight distance, to avoid locations that require drivers to make multiple decisions, to accommodate expected queues, and to coordinate activities at multiple locations. The contractor should develop a plan for handling emergencies and emergency vehicles in the control zone. Channelizers are paid for by the unit. (Updated 1-24-11) (PDF), FHWA Letter regarding Federal standards for Street Name signs and deadlines for compliance (PDF), INFORMATION: FHWA Official Interpretation - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (PDF), Issues in Implementing the new MUTCD 2009, Inclusion of new regulatory signs for NO IDLING (R61(CA) and R62(CA)) signs in the California MUTCD. If the portable transverse rumble strips become out of alignment or skewed by more than 6 inches, have the contractor readjust them to the original location. Withhold some payment from progress pay estimates to cover the cost of removing temporary crash cushion modules. DISCLAIMER: Registering with Caltrans does not represent any express or implied promise by Caltrans to award emergency contracts now or in future. Use the most current edition of the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) publication Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features to confirm acceptability of traffic control devices. Temporary Traffic Controls Home Temporary Traffic Controls Temporary Traffic Controls Includes the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook and the California Manual of Temporary Traffic Controls! Confirm that the contractors are coordinating placement and pickup of the closure so that the traffic control system is maintained in accordance with the. Temporary Traffic Control, for information on preparing TTC, definitions, TTC devices, compliance information, and for typical TTC examples. Review the project plans and sheets T1A, T1B, and T2 of the Standard Plans. Verify there is enough shoulder width before allowing the use of an impact attenuator vehicle for placement and removal of components on two-lane, two-way highways. File completed ADA compliance reports in Category 23, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the project files. Verify the temporary flashing beacon system includes a backup power source and automatic transfer switches. In metropolitan areas, this type of warning may be feasible with cooperation of the transportation management center. Next install the first sign drivers will see in approaching the work area from the affected direction. California - Caltrans Approved Traffic Control Technician Class (CATCTC) COURSE DESCRIPTION This one-day (8-hour) Traffic Control Technician Class has been reviewed and approved by Caltrans for those who will be install and manage temporary traffic control for work zones on state highways. Payment is computed as extra work. Verify that the color of the portable transverse rumble strips is black or orange and arranged in accordance with Standard Plan T13. The contractor will not be able to access projects in LCS after the completion date. Pay special attention to the aiming of the sign whenever solar-powered signs are used. Require the contractor to keep signs clean and clearly visible, and repair them if damaged. Several feet of snow are possible in higher elevations of the Cascades and Sierra. Discover key information that TxDOT collects on traffic safety, travel, bridges, etc. Moving closures are 10-97 before the actual start time of the closure, and 10-98 after the actual end time of the closure. Study our various maps, dashboards, portals, and statistics. Direct the contractor to provide PCMSs for use not otherwise provided for in the contract, with a minimum notice of 1 full working day. Count the plastic traffic drums for payment as they are placed in the locations shown on the plans. If you accept a closure request, the status will change to PENDING. If you reject a closure request, LCS will send the contractor an email asking for a correction and resubmission. Review Sections 12-6, Temporary Pavement Delineation and 84-2, Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings, of the Standard Specifications for temporary pavement delineation requirements. Do not allow the use of commercial pallets that exceed the maximum height. Some districts have adopted a practice of providing motorists additional warning by displaying information a mile or more in advance of the closure using portable or fixed changeable message signs. Verify temporary pavement markers are the same color as the lane line or centerline markers being replaced. Be prepared, pack your patience, and if you must travel, go safely. Verify the contractor completely installs the traffic control system before commencing work. Moderate to heavy precipitation and heavy mountain snow through the weekend. The cost of the contractors inventory of replacement sign materials is included in the contract price for construction area signs. Verify the contractor installs Type P or Type R markers when required. Data and maps . Also refer to Section 2-2, Traffic, of this manual, which provides guidance and a general overview of providing a safe and convenient passage of public traffic through the construction area and is complementary to this section. Welcome to the Texas Department of Transportation FTP Server Inform the Transportation Permits Unit 15 days in advance of the closure. PCMS are working equipment when actively displaying a message, otherwise they are nonoperating. Damaged barricades should be repaired at the contractors expense, regardless of the cause, including damage by public traffic. Be prepared, pack your patience, and if you must travel, go safely. Measure and pay for temporary traffic screen according to the specifications. Review the Public Safety section in the contract. Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Verify temporary flashing beacon systems are relocated as work progresses according to the specifications. Do not use the contract item for temporary crash cushion modules to pay for temporary crash cushion modules that are placed to fulfill the requirements of the Public Safety section. The contract item price also includes the costs of work necessary to restore channelizers damaged by public traffic. Stationary closures on a traffic lane are 10-97 before placing the first cone on the traffic lane, and 10-98 after removing all the cones from the traffic lane. The design and construction at the contractors expense, when the contractors means and methods require the closure of an existing pedestrian route. (PDF). Review the requests to avoid oversights and overbooking. Verify that the weight of the attenuator and the weight of the support truck are within the specified limits as shown on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. Temporary Traffic Screen: T4: Temporary Terminal Section (Type K) T5: Temporary Traffic Control Systems; Traffic Control System Tables For Lane and Ramp Closures: T9: Traffic Control System For Lane Closure on Freeways and Expressways: T10: Traffic Control System For Lane Closure on Freeways and Expressways: T10A MAZEEP (Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program), Maintenance Protective Vehicle Guidance (Shadow Vehicle), Caltrans Standard Plans - Temporary Traffic Control Systems T9 - T17, Caltrans Standard Plans - Signs (roadside and overhead), Work Affecting Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities - see. Obtain a sample of the type of portable delineator to be used on the project. By vehicles heavy mountain snow through the weekend at the contractors inventory of replacement sign materials is included in control. Strips is black or orange and arranged in accordance with Standard Plan T13 damaged public. 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